Monday, August 10, 2020

Campaign Post Operations Report #23 - Allied Command still uncertain of co-ordinated efforts

 The Allied Command had an opportunity to meet and enter into a renewed alliance and co-ordinate a response to the obvious French actions.

Prussia was hesitating ...


The Allied Monarchs decided to issue a set of "messages"

Messages 28th August 1813

From Allied High Command, the Two Emperors


To King Frederick William

Your Royal Highness,

We understand and share your deep concern at the peril currently facing your capital. This should be palpable and clearly evident to you by the distributions and orders that we have given to our troops. These forces, now united around us, are set to drive north to support Marshal Blücher in taking Cottbus and then driving on to Berlin.

We have issued express orders to this effect to Prince Schwarzenberg, acting on our behalf.

While the bulk of our army moves north, it is imperative, for the security of our southern and western flanks, to hold the passes through the Bohemian mountains around Marienburg and to capture Dresden. Critically, the supply-line for the forces of our three nations flows north, from the Hapsburg Empire (through Prague), and this must in no way be imperilled.

Your Highness recent actions are at odds with this.

We implore you, as a matter of the utmost urgency to countermand the order to General von Kleist. He must return urgently to support General Barclay de Tolly in his position around Marienberg. The presence General Kleist with your majestys troops was critical to the success of our forces at the first Battle of Marienberg earlier this month.

Alexander I, Czar of all the Russias

Francis I, Emperor of Austria


To Marshal Blücher


As our main army drives north to relieve Berlin, it is imperative, for the security of our southern and western flanks, to hold the passes through the Bohemian mountains around Marienburg and to capture Dresden. Critically, the supply-line for the forces of our three nations flows north, from the Hapsburg Empire (through Prague), and this must in no way be imperilled.

We implore you to order General von Kleist to return urgently to support General Barclay de Tolly in his position around Marienberg. Kleists presence was critical to the success of our forces at the first Battle of Marienberg earlier this month.

Alexander I, Czar of all the Russias

Francis I, Emperor of Austria


To Field Marshal Schwarzenberg


As agreed at our conference this morning, we command you to order, on our behalf, the movement of our united forces north to support Marshal Blücher in taking Cottbus and then driving on to Berlin.

General Radetsky, with the Austrian cuirassiers is to remain on the left flank of the army to cover against Marshal Oudinot and to mask the movement of our troops.

Alexander I, Czar of all the Russias

Francis I, Emperor of Austria


The situation for the Allied command at the end of the 28th:

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